Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 6-- I Nearly Forgot

I'm a total slacker. I nearly forgot to blog, and that's one of the few things it seems I did today. I did take the time to finish up about 95% of my grade cards today and take care of the dogs, but in these frigid temps that was about it. It's so freaking cold! Ridiculous! Because of the cold, and my conviction to bring the truth to the people I give you today's selfie. 

Here I am waiting on the puppies to do their business. I'm fashionably modeling two coats, one mine (from the 8th grade) and one my father's. In addition it's clear I only had time for one photo before frostbite took my fingers. The fear of black skin led to that awful face. I got frost bite once during some late night Jesus shenanigans, and it wasn't fun. I now avoid it whenever possible. Seems wise. I would suggest you do the same. 

Maybe tomorrow will lead to a glamorous selfie. I'm hoping to go to Joplin for a couple hours, and that will require makeup. I'm sure you're thankful. 

Stay warm friends, if that's possible in your neck of the woods. I'm beginning to think its impossible in my woods! 

1 comment:

  1. FROSTBITE!??!! Yiiiiikes. I'm glad you didn't get that. It's super cold here, too, and I have to keep my lips like that because the cold/wind makes my sensitive teeth MISERABLE!! And saying that makes me feel about 200 years old, haha.
