Wednesday, January 1, 2014


With a new year always comes some reflection.  I'm not sure why as humans we feel the need to start something new at the beginning, but we do.  It's like we can't make good changes mid day, mid week, mid month, or mid year, why not just wait until Monday, or New Years, or tomorrow.  Seems dumb, but it's what we do.

This year I hope to make some changes.  I want to be a better version of me.  And we all know, our goals, lives, hopes, and dreams aren't true unless we publish them to the internet, so that's what I aim to do!

My goals for 2014

1.  Be healthier-- I know this is a goal many aspire to each new year.  Gym memberships swell, people go on crazy diets, and so much more.  All that is great, but I'm not going to say I'll do all of that.  I do want to drink less soda, eat healthier, cook more wholesome food, and start working out on a more regular basis.  A few years ago I got healthy and I liked how I felt, I want to do that again.

2.  Be wiser with my money-- I'm pretty good with money, but I'm a sucker for a sale, a craft, a Starbucks...

3.  Make new friends-- I love my friends, but I only have maybe 2 friends who are in the same season of life as me.  I need some friends who get where I'm at and are ready to do this season of life with me.

4.  Do something that scares me-- I'm not sure what this means yet.  I've considered moving to a whole new area, I've considered buying a house, I've considered taking myself on a big vacation this summer, alone.  I don't know what it'll be, but I'm bored with being boring.

In addition to goals for the year, I have a two fold goal for the month of January.  I'm going to attempt to post a selfie to the blog daily.  It's a good way to get me in the habit of blogging more and help push me to wake up in time to look decent.

That being said, I haven't left the house today, which equals zero makeup.  I'm not sure the first picture will be the most glamorous, but that's okay.  It's me, it's real (minus that filter from my camera).

Displaying photo.JPG
Selfie 1-1

1 comment:

  1. I think your 'healthy' goals are so much more realistic and achievable when stated the way that you did! Also, totally can related to being bored with being boring-- very well said!!! Happy New Year!
